Let’s Talk Grocery Bags…
I think it is safe to say when people think about reducing their plastic usage, the number one thing that comes to mind is reusable grocery bags. And frankly, it is a great place to start. It is estimated 4 trillion (that’s trillion with a T) plastic bags are used worldwide EACH YEAR. That statistic alone should be enough to convince you to start brining your own bags, but if that isn’t enough, the average time a plastic bag is used is 10-20 minutes. Yet, it will sit in a landfill for a long as 1,000 years.
Bottom line is, reusable grocery bags are a great way to drastically reduce the amount of plastic used each year. Our image and consumer based society has made people feel like they need to buy the “appropriate” bag to bring with them to the store. Large grocery store chains have branded reusable (but still plastic) grocery bags they encourage their consumers to purchase. The truth is, you can use any bag as a grocery bag. That tote bag that just sits in your closet, your old high school backpack, or your large purse that you already always have with you; any of these are great options to store your groceries in. Shops like lululemon, athleta, and so many other fitness brands bag your items in reusable bags. Instead of balling it up and shoving it under your bed, take it with you to the food store. (Personally, I used an old lululemon bag as my lunch bag for years when I worked in an office.) Don’t feel like you have to have a hip and trendy grocery specific grocery bag. Keep that old tote in your car instead of the back of your closet and you’ll never need a plastic bag again.
If you’re curious about what low waste products I actually think are worth investing in click here for a post with links to all my favs.
If you have too many reusable bags think about donating them DaniJayne. They up-cycles textiles into travel cosmetic bags and other goods!